Private Sessions

A Private Session with Debi Rose

While the amazing content that is included within this Spiritual Dreamweaver Membership
site will assist immensely with your internal Being & strengthens your Spiritual Journey, it was never
meant as a substitute for a one-on one private clearing session with Debi Rose.

Consider that a private Session with Debi Rose will assist you to overcome the deeply rooted challenges you are
currently facing that are most likely at the root of whatever you are currently experiencing.

Whether it’s with your relationships, finance, health career or soul programming to achieve your Divine consciousness.
A private session will unlock whatever is holding you back.


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The Heart of Debi Rose “Divine Light Alchemy” Transformational Sessions

What Makes A Debi Rose Session Unique.

A Certified Master Healer & Spiritual Alchemist, Debi Rose Catalano, is the
practitioner of an Advanced Spiritual Healing & Clearing Therapy, described as
“Divine Light Alchemy”
. It is a multi-dimensional energy transformation system
based on the principles of quantum physics.
As you integrate the profound energy available through Divine Light Alchemy,
your body gains new vitality and your soul “awakens” to new possibilities providing
you with deep inner affirmation and new energetic freedom. This process is designed
for those committed to claiming their true birthright— unlimited spiritual
growth and manifestation.
Due to the intensive energetic shifts that have been occurring over the last few years,
along with what everyone on the planet is experiencing, our advanced therapies are
necessary. They are Divinely Designed specifically to assist you experience and
sustain these extraordinary energetic shifts and permanent life-changing breakthroughs.


The Healing Systems Within a “Divine Light Alchemy” Session
  • Spiritual Response Therapy
  • Spiritual Restructuring
  • Advanced Chakra Therapy
  • Matrix Energetics
  • Theta Healing
  • Chinese Energetics
  • Access Consciousness
  • ***

Our unique blending of ancient vibrational & spiritual healing methods, include past life
disentanglement, deleting, clearing, and a total realignment and reintegration.
Adding modern matrix energetics, theta healing, along with advanced chakra therapy
& Chinese Energetics catalyzes rapid clearing of stagnant, depleting energies and
recalibrates the subtle energy bodies.

***I actually have a Healing toolbox with more than 7 modalities, and whenever required & guided,
I alsoinclude those during sessions.

A “Divine Light Alchemy” Clearing, Healing & Transmuting Session includes:

1. A 45 Minute DebiRose “Divine Light Alchemy” Transformational Healing &
Clearing Phone Consultation for One Main Issue or Challenge.
During our call we will clear, release and transmute core issues, limiting beliefs and patterns, and
set your true soul energy and essence into flow.
As we talk my intuitive consulting includes my unique “Spiritual Alchemy” blend of Spiritual Past Life
Clearing, Access Consciousness Techniques, Advanced Chakra, Spiritual Healing, Guidance &

Please note, this session includes ONE phone call only. If you feel you require
additional phone calls to talk with me, consider our ongoing programs.

2. An Additional Three Days of Researching and Clearing All Past Life Programs
Associated With You Issue

A Divinely Unique component to Debi Rose’s Sessions. The additional clearing & transmuting period
assists with maintaing the energetic shifts that were attained durring our call. They will be done daily for a 3 day period, which is plenty of time for subtle energy shifts to occur and your life to begin to change.
The Level of Spiritual Clearing, releasing and transmuting necessary to bring you back to your
true essence.

Two Follow-up e-mails
Of your updates to keep me informed as to your progress. They will be read and whatever issues you
report will be addressed in order continue to help you make the lifestyle and life skills changes that
will be occurring.

The Fee for A Divine Light Alchemy Session is $350.00