About Debi Rose Catalano

More Info About My Passion To Facilitate Change In Your Life

A Certified Master Healer & Spiritual Alchemist, Debi Rose Catalano, is the creator of Divine Light Alchemy, a multi-dimensional energy transformation system based on the principles of quantum physics.

This blend of ancient vibrational healing methods, past life clearing and modern matrix energetics catalyzes rapid clearing of stagnant, depleting energies and recalibrates the subtle energy bodies.

The Past Life Shadow Dancing Ancestral Matrix Membership Site was created to offer Advanced Level “Divine Light Alchemy”Healing Transmissions, Empowering tools and our Unique one of a kind Transformational Videos, which will compliment Debi Rose Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Transformational sessions.

Our Past Life Shadow Dancing Ancestral Matrix membership Site was designed to assist you to experience and sustain extraordinary energetic shifts and permanent life-changing breakthroughs.

Debi Rose Catalano’s Certifications & Training:

Debi Rose is considered to be one of the best in the field of Spiritual Healings, Clearings & Energetic Transformations, by both clients and professionals alike.

Debi Rose is an extraordinarily gifted Spiritual Healer and Vibrational Energy Therapist, and an incredibly loving and caring person with innate profound intuition who can instantly get to the core issues with clients and help them in hours, instead of months and years!

Debi Rose has literally assisted hundreds of people in co-creating everything they deserve and desire to actualize into their life.

Certified Practitioner of Australian Bush Flower Essences, Gem Essences & Homeopathy.

Certified Matrix Energetics Levels 1, 2, & 3

Certified Matrix Energetics – Wizard Training

Rasavidya Healing Arts & Egyptian Lotus Medicine & “Lotus” Energy Profiling

Master & Teacher Reiki Level 13.

DNA Activation & Theta Healing

Training in Spiritual Response Therapy & Spiritual Restructuring

Training in Emotional Freedom Technique & Semorg Matrix

Emotion Code

Spiritual Accupuncture

Ascended Master Channeled Healings

Advanced Chakra & The Four Pathways Healing System

Chinese Energetics – Yuen Method

Yuen Mastery

Access Consciousness & Bars

Divine Light Alchemist & Inception Healing

Certified Golden DNA Activation Facilitator

Quantum Vortex Clearing & Healing