Ancestral Matrix Member’s Library
E Books



Ancestral Matrix Member’s Library

Welcome to your Member’s Library.

Here you will find a collection of E-books, Enlightened  Material and Techniques I consider Co-Creation Tools.

I will also be adding to this Library on a regular basis, so check back often. 

PDF Downloads:
Instructions for Downloading:

Below you will find download links for audio, video & pdf files. These instructions will work for all of them.

Click on the first link with your RIGHT mouse button and you will see a menu rightclick
like the one to the right open up.

In Internet Explorer Choose “Save Target As…” and download the file to your
desktop (in Firefox you choose “Save Link As..”).

Once you select the “save target as” or “save link as” entry, a download screen will appear asking you where you want to save the file to on your computer.

The download screen will appear like this…


You should save the files to your “Desktop” (in a new folder) or another folder you can easily find.Once you have downloaded all of the files, go to new folder on your desktop, or any other folder that you saved the files in and double click to open each file.Also, if you save this page to your favorites, then when you want to return to download additional item, you won’t have to opt-in with your name & email address again.

Empowering Tools & Techniques

These are my favorite Access Consciousness Empowering Tools & Techniques,

I learned from Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, Founders of Access Consciouness.

Empowering Tools



Ho’oponopono Peacemaking

Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affects our business.



Peacemaking Forgiveness Prayer

Ancestral Forgiveness & Peacemaking
This prayer was created by Howard Mills and his teachings about Ancestral Lineage Peacemaking. This prayer carries a vibrational frequency, repeating it daily with my Peacemaking Video will provide profound results.

Forgiveness Peacemaking Prayer

Attractor Field Therapy

Law of Attraction Course

More Great information about The Law of Attraction in this Course.

Law of Attraction Course

Working With The Law

There are more Laws of the Universe, than the Law of Attraction, that many of us have use to manifest our desires. This is an explanation of working with the other Laws and how to use them.

Working With The Laws

Quantum Power Code

I am always guided to Ancient Symbols, Codes and Tools. Here is another Quantum Power Code to play with.

Quantum Power Codes

The Master Key System

I found this many years ago. Great information.

Master Key System


Actualizing Technique

This is a Divine Basic Technique I have used to actualize something new into my reality.

Divine Actualizing Technique

Create A New Life

Divine Mastery To Create Your New Reality A simple journaling technique to create a plan that sets into motion the creation of what your new life will look like.

 Create A New Life

Change Your Mind

Using EFT To Change Your Mind

Angela Lyon

Change Your Mind

Abraham's Teachings

The 68 Second Technique

This is the description of Abraham’s 68 seconds manifesting technique
that I often refer to as “Running Energy.”

Abraham 68 Seconds


Inner Child Healing

Healing Your Inner Child is a vital process to unlocking traumatic experiences that are held deep within our cellular memory.

Inner Child Healing

Eye Patching

Eye Patching is a simple technique to stop the mind chatter that keeps you in a self destructive mental loop, not allowing you to find the solutions to your issues & challenges. Also, be sure to watch the Training video I created that explains the process.

Eye Patching Technique

Silva Method

The Silva Method is great information to unlock your mental capabilities to assist you in manifesting your desires.

Silva Method Workbook