Ancestral Matrix Member’s Library

Ancestral Matrix Member’s Library
Welcome to your Member’s Library.
Here you will find links to a huge collection material consisting of E-books, Trainings, Enlightened Material and Techniques, I consider to be valuable to assisting you in all areas of your life.
Below are several of my favorites to download & get you started. The Links on the side will take you to additional material.
Enjoy & have fun checking out all I have collected for to accelerate your spiritual journey.
I will also be adding to this Library on a regular basis, so check back often.

Sacred Power Symbol
We accumulate discordant energies on a daily basis, and sometimes during extremely difficult times, we can accumulate them moment by moment. The major discordant energies include anger, guilt or fear. To transmute and release these discordant energies, simply place your hand on this Sacred Power Symbol. It is very beneficial to do this on a daily basis.

Sacred Power Codes
I have been telling my students for a long time now that blessing your food with the numbers 9-9-5 is thousands of times more beneficial than the average prayer. The Sacred Spiritual Power Codes are a list of numbers that when applied can be used to greatly affect and create a change in situations in your life.

Actualizing Technique
This is a Divine Basic Technique I have used to actualize something new into my reality.

Empowering Tools
These are my favorite Access Consciousness Empowering Tools & Techniques,
I learned from Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, Founders of Access Counscioueness.

Peacemaking Forgiveness Prayer
Ancestral Forgiveness & Peacemaking

Create A New Life
Divine Mastery To Create Your New Reality A simple journaling technique to create a plan that sets into motion the creation of what your new life will look like.